'do declare these variables you need to add a reference
'to the microsoft excel 'xx' object library.
'you need two text boxes and two command buttons
'on the form, an excel file in c:\book1.xls
Dim xl As New Excel.Application
Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlwbook As Excel.Workbook
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'the benifit of placing numbers in (row, col) is that you
'can loop through different directions if required. I could
'have used column names like "A1" 'etc.
Text1.Text = xlsheet.Cells(2, 1) ' row 2 col 1
Text2.Text = xlsheet.Cells(2, 2) ' row 2 col 2
'don't forget to do this or you'll not be able to open
'book1.xls again, untill you restart you pc.
xl.ActiveWorkbook.Close False, "c:\book1.xls"
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
xlsheet.Cells(2, 1) = Text1.Text
xlsheet.Cells(2, 2) = Text2.Text
'don't forget to do this or you'll not be able to open
'book1.xls again, untill you restart you pc.
xl.ActiveWorkbook.Close False, "c:\book1.xls"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set xlwbook = xl.Workbooks.Open("c:\book1.xls")
Set xlsheet = xlwbook.Sheets.Item(1)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set xlwbook = Nothing
Set xl = Nothing
End Sub
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